In just the two weeks I've noticed a huge change in my energy level, body image and self image. It's quite remarkable. Some friends and I are planning on running a 5k at the end of May, something I never thought I would ever be able to do.
This program also has a great app that I use on my iPod touch that is free, works with my playlists and tells me when to walk, run, warm up or cool down. It keeps track of my workouts and really motivates me. There is nothing that gets me going better in the morning than hearing "Welcome to c25k, begin workout now".
If you're interested in this app, head on over to the app store and type in couch to 5k, it's free (there are other ones you pay for but the free one is awesome!).
Yeah! I love running. Be aware, it is highly addictive :) good luck on your 5k. I'm excited for you.
way to go Kristin! I am so excited for you! What a great thing. You should look into doing the Color Me 5ks...I don't know if there is one near you...but they add a little jazz to the running world :)
Way to GO!
Woo-hoo! You go girl!
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