Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Already embarrassed by me?

Today we were at our local library for our weekly story time. We usually sing songs with the teacher throughout the half hour we are there. I was sitting behind Blake and on every song we sang, he turned around and said "stop singing" and then would turn around and continue the song. I know I'm not the best singer, but seriously I can't even sing a children's song well? 
My son is already embarrassed by me and he's only two and a half. Where does it go from here?
Mind you, he loves when I sing to him at home, but apparently it is too embarrassing in public. 

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Happy day and funny Blake story

From the day that we found out we were having a girl, I've been waiting to get her ears pierced. I think little baby girls with their ears pierced are so cute. Kalli's doctor had us wait until she was 4 months old, which we complied with. Today was the big day and I hesitated a bit, because I was afraid of the pain for her. In the end we went through with it and I am happy we did. Joe, thankfully, supported me in this decision. 
We bought the little birthstone for her month, which turned out to be pink ice (I'm not sure what the real one is). The girl did it real quick, Kalli only cried for a second and then stopped. She quickly fell asleep afterwards. I think she is so stinkin cute with her ears pierced! 
And let me tell you how hard it is to photograph those little pierced ears. These were the best photos I had. 
I also wanted to share a funny story. I started Kalli on Oatmeal last night and she LOVED it! Blake took a couple weeks to like it and get the hang of it, first time with Kalli was perfect. Anyway, Blake was sitting next to me while I fed her and he looked interested in what I was feeding her. Not to make her feel left out I offered him a bite of Kalli's oatmeal mixed with formula. Blake proceeded to take a bite and started screaming his head off. Apparently it was so disgusting it caused him to scream in protest! I quickly told him to get a drink of his juice and it would make it better. 
Today when I fed her the same thing, I offered Blake another bite and he kindly declined. I wonder why! 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Kalli's 4 month stats

Kalli turned 4 months old this week. I feel like she had been a newborn until just a week ago. All of a sudden she is grabbing things and getting super silly. She loves to make lots of noises and blow bubbles. She also thinks almost anything Joe and I do to her is hilarious, this also includes when Blake throws a fit. 
Until lately, Kalli was our long, lean little girl. All of a sudden though she has started to get little rolls on her legs, which I love. It's so adorable. She is still quite tall and growing out of things lengthwise at an alarming rate. 
She went to the doctor today. Kalli now weighs 14 lbs. 5 oz (70%), a three pound gain from two months ago. She is also 25  1/2 inches long (90%). The nurse commented that Kalli is going to be a tall girl. Poor Blake, I have a feeling she will surpass him pretty soon!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Giveaway of all things Girly

Ok, I am totally itching to have Kalli wear cute little girl stuff on her head. My mom bought me these great headbands and flowers that attach. They are so great because they are versatile. The headbands have velcro on them as do the flowers, so you can mix and match. The prices are super reasonable and she even has stuff for older girls. 
Right now she is having a give-away. Go look at her website and see what you think. Let me know if you order anything, because I can get a referral credit with her which would be way useful as I might make us go poor with all the stuff I want. 

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Our garage is complete!

Joe and I took the plunge today and bought a new car. We have been a one car family since we've been married, but it didn't matter too much when we lived in Reno because Joe had a work truck. Since May I have been stuck at home with no means of transportation. Joe only works half days on Friday so instead of spending time together or doing something fun, Friday has become our appointment day since I can have the car. We also figured that there was no use getting a vehicle that would only fit two children as we hope to expand our family even more in a couple of years. Luckily we used our Costco membership to get a smokin deal. (If you have a Costco membership and are looking at purchasing a new car, go through them, totally worth it!). There are so many extras that we weren't looking for, but make the SUV that much more fun! Here is a look at our new mode of transportation. (We still have the Toyota and that will be paid off this month which means only one car payment, woo-hoo).
It has a back up camera that shows up on this screen on our console. It is so cool! Plus it has dual climate control and all other nifty stuff.  This is a shot of all the room the kids now have. The only problem is that they aren't close enough anymore for Blake to help us get things to Kalli. 
On the way home Blake kept telling me "mommy, we have a new car". Yes, we do and I couldn't be more excited!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Brother and sister love

I grew up without any siblings, so I never realized the bond siblings can have. This is why sometimes I am so surprised by how much my children love each other. I was told that it's best to have an older brother than sister, because they work well together. So far this is true. Blake loves his little sister so much. He always helps me with her. When I need a diaper for her, he will usually get me one. He always has to give her her bottle, pacifier and always has to be in the room when I put her down for a nap or bed and always helps me get her up in the morning. 
The love is not just one sided. Kalli loves Blake. Every morning I pick Kalli up and Blake exclaims very loudly "Good morning Kalli" and Kalli always gets the biggest smile on her face. She could watch him play for hours and be completely content. 
Their new thing is taking baths together. We took Kalli out of her baby tub because she was too long and put her straight in the regular tub. When Blake saw this he wanted in. Every time Kalli has a bath, Blake has one too. I find this amazing seeing how the water barely covers his legs, but he is perfectly happy. I love it! 
I sure hope this love lasts their lives. I do realize there will be fights and all but I sure hope they are good friends growing up. 
Thanks Summer for this dress. I am obsessed! We took it out early because she is so long that she's outgrowing everything length wise too fast. So to get good use out of this dress she is wearing it now. We love it!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Kalli has developed a new skill this week. She has figured out that if she slams her legs down enough she can get out of her seat all by herself. We have to now keep an extra careful eye on her. I know we should buckle her in, but I can't get it to get bigger. Oh well, I'll just keep a careful eye on her. 
Here are some action shots. I have a video of her doing this and she thinks she is hilarious. Whatever.