Monday, January 26, 2009

Our excursion in model homes

This weekend Joe and I went and checked out the model homes in our community (something we hadn't been able to do when we bought our house). Overall, they were gorgeous, but there were a couple exceptions I would like to mention. 
This picture really doesn't do justice. These countertops were way BLUE. Now I can imagine this is some people's taste, but man it was not attractive. It surprises us that they would put such a drastic color in the kitchen. Oh well, it gave us a great laugh. This is what beat all. Apparently the room is supposed to be a scrapbooking room but somewhere along the way it became a "crap" room. Maybe that's what most of our "scrap" rooms become in the end. 

1 comment:

Emily Norby said...

Way to get a picture of the 'crap' room.

There are moments I think a sign like that would be fitting in my house, too.